Category Archives: Certification

Software Certification – A tricky business

An interesting article was published in Defense News concerning recent issues encountered when certifying the software that drives the TP400 engine used on the A400M military transport plane:

“The problem came from having to demonstrate to the European Aviation Safety Authority traceability through the development cycles.”

The full article can be read here:

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Avionics, Agility and Lean

Here’s the third in a series of videos shot at the recent “Lean, Agile Approach to High-Integrity Software” Event. In this talk, Emmanuel Chenu, software development coach at Thales Avionics, shares his experiences working with Agile development methods. Each week we will post a new talk from this event. Enjoy! (Viewing tip: click the ‘HQ’ button on the video controller for better image quality, it helps a lot for the slides) The talk is presented here is 4 parts. Part 1 of 4 To view parts 2-4 of this talk click the ‘Read More’ link just below… Read More »
Also posted in Agile/Lean Programming, Events, Open-DO News, Videos | 1 Comment

Lean, Agile and the Human Condition (Jim Sutton)

Here’s the second in a series of videos shot at the recent “Lean, Agile Approach to High-Integrity Software” Event. In this talk, Jim Sutton, author of Lean Software Strategies and winner of the 2007 Shingo Prize presents a contrast and comparison of Lean and Agile methods. Each week we will post a new talk from this event. Enjoy! (Viewing tip: click the ‘HQ’ button on the video controller for better image quality, it helps a lot for the slides) The talk is presented here is 5 parts. You can also download the presentation slides if you want to follow along.
Part 1 of 5
To view parts 2-5 of this talk click the ‘Read More’ link just below… Read More »
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Lean Event Videos – Open-DO (Cyrille Comar)

As promised, here’s the first in a series of videos shot at the recent “Lean, Agile Approach to High-Integrity Software”. We start with Cyrille Comar from AdaCore presenting the concepts around the Open-DO initiative. Each week we will post a new talk from this event. Enjoy! (Viewing tip: click the ‘HQ’ button on the video controller for better image quality, it helps a lot for the slides) The talk is presented here is 5 parts. You can also download the presentation slides if you want to follow along. Part 1 of 5 To view parts 2-5 of this talk click the ‘Read More’ link just below… Read More »
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Lean, Agile Approach to High-Integrity Software

The “Lean, Agile Approach to High-Integrity Software” event took place on March 26 at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. In all, over 80 people joined us for a day dedicated to looking at ways in which Lean and Agile methods can (and are!) being used to develop software that requires certification – a very heavy process as many of you will know. The videos and slides from the workshop will be posted at a rate of 1 per week starting next week. Thanks to everyone that participated and made the day so valuable!

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Also posted in Agile/Lean Programming, Events, Open Source, Open-DO News | 3 Comments

Concepts and Ideas

Here are the initial concepts and ideas behind the Open-DO initiative. Cyrille Comar gave this presentation at the Do-178C committee meeting in Cologne yesterday. It was a good crowd and a great presentation, lots of enthusiasm and excitement after. Thanks Cyrille!
Also posted in Agile/Lean Programming, Events, In the Press, Open Source, Open-DO News, Papers and Slides | 5 Comments

Open-DO presentation at OpenCert conference

Jose Ruiz will be attending the the OpenCert conference being held in York this coming March. His talk “Open-DO: Open Framework for Critical Systems” fits in nicely with the general theme of Open Source Software Certification. Read More »
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Open-DO masterclass at Avionics

Franco Gasperoni will be hosting an hour long masterclass dedicated to the Open-DO initiative at the upcoming Avionics event (March 11-12, 2009) in Amsterdam. In a talk written by Franco and Ryan Brooks from Boeing, he will look at the current software challenges facing avionics systems, the motivation for a communal Open-DO effort, how development and contributions to Open-DO could take place and will speculate on possible business models. Read More »
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The Lean, Agile approach to High-Integrity software

This event in Paris will present real world examples that illustrate how ‘Lean Production’ concepts are being successfully applied to critical software development. In particular to applications that have to meet the highest levels of safety and security. The conference features a keynote from Lean guru Jim Sutton, Emmanuel Chenu from Thales, Alexandre Boutin from Yahoo, David Jackson from Praxis, and Roberto di Cosmo. Cyrille Comar will give the talk “Open DO: Towards a Lean Approach for Certification“. To register for this event, please send an email to
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